Saturday, 26 November 2011


There is some reflective explanation of the shoot day - well done.  You do need to extend this slightly in review - perhaps link comments to what shots you directed.  Also the pictures  you use are good, but could be presented in a different way - using other online tools.

Pictures from our shoot day

Due to the fact that our photographer did not turn up, we all took some pictures on our phones to upload to our blogs.

Here is our guitarist and pianist in our set whilst we were getting a two-shot of them.

Here is a picture of me operating the camera and getting a close up of the base guitar. I had to keep moving the camera to make sure he did not go out of shot.

This is the monitor which was connected to the camera which enabled us and other people to see how the shots were looking and point out anything which needed to change.

This is the machine used to operate the lighting changes. We had 4 different lighting changes during our track.

This is another photo of me getting a shot of our base guitarist.

Here is the camera we were using throughout our shoot. We had another one the same close by which we used when for example we needed to keep the first camera in a certain position on the dolly, In that case, we just swapped the memory cards.

Thursday, 24 November 2011

Evaluating shoot day

Our shoot was on the 21st of Novemeber. The day started out slightly more un-organised as we had hoped as we found out our guitarist would not be around from 12-1 10. So we had to ensure that all of the shots of the bands where done before this time.

Plus, the day of building our shoot the group before finished late so we had limited time to get out set together. We new we wanted the overall mise-en-scene to be the backdrop of a sleezy hotel room, so we picked out typical wall paper and ripped parts of it and through teebags at the wall to give it a dirty brown effect, plus we used 'mould spray' on the walls. In the narrative we also set up a bed with dirty sheets on it and a table with vodka and wine bottles plus with an overflowing ash tray, to give the desired effect.

On the day we issued out roles within the group as it made it far easier to control what was going on if everyone had their own things to be doing. I had the role of the director - "A film director is a person who directs the actors and film crew in filmmaking.They control a film's artistic and dramatic aspects, while guiding the technical crew and actors". This meant I watched on the screen what was being filmed (by Izzy) and told her whether the shot worked or not or what i wanted. Similary, i also organised the band on stage to how i wanted them and what positions i thought worked best. Firstly, we did a run through with the band so they new what was happening and how the song worked, and then decided what lighting we wanted and how it should be postioned. I really enjoyed being the role of the directer as it allowed me to take control of how i wanted things, as quite a creative person i thought it was best as i could control what shots were taken and whether they worked. Also, this was helpful when shooting our narrative as i could directer our actors how i thought best it was for them to be acting, and i could direct how i wanted the scene to unfold. Being the director i also took control of doing the bands make up and helping molly (our main narrative girl) get in and out of her harness safely.

Will Edgely in our group was in charge of the lighting:

We decided we wanted dark dingy lighting to go with the mise-en-scene and also having spotlights on Patch the lead singer. To help heighten this however, we also used a very high shutter speed on the camera, where usually it is at 50 we had it at 150, which helped to heighten this effect. Will also had to job to make sure that the different lighting settings came on when required throughout the song, as it changed from washes to spotlights depending on whom we wanted the focus to be on.

Izzy was good on the camera as in our group she knows the most about it, this meant that we had a competent person on the camera and nerely all times so we didnt have to keep on going back and re-shooting things. She was effiecent at using the white balance and keeping it all in focus at all times. Although both me and Will took turns on using the dolly for tracking shots as we to wanted a short time ont he camera, Izzy did a good job and ensuring all of our shots were done well.

Lizzy also contributed to it by being incharge of playback:

She had to be aware at all times of what was going on and where in the song we were so as soon as we needed it we could play it straight away and get on with filming. However, one problem was that we had oraganised a photographer for the day but unfortuantly they could not turn up so we had to make do with taking pictures on our phone. However, we also used a camera back stage to document the 'making of' of video.

Overall, the day went well and i think that it was very useful to have everyone doing their own certain jobs as it allowed everything to run smoothly without problems.

Friday, 18 November 2011


There is evident progress here with some reflection on your concept and the palnning of this.  Some good points are made.  A good range of photo's are blogged, but you should account for which ones you would use and which ones you would reject.  You do need to re-blog your photo's into a tool which acts as a presentation, I do not think that you thought through how you wanted to present your photos.

Day before shoot

Today is the final day for prepartion before our shoot. We have lots to sort out, including our set and props. We cant get into the studio to set up before 3pm so after that we will have to miss our last lesson to sort everything out. We need to set up a square type room with hotel wall paper that we are going to rip and make dirty, hang pictures ont he wall, have a bedside table with a lamp and knife and forks and cups. Plus putting the bed in. We have decided that we want the same set for the performance side as well as the narrative to make it more similar, so it looks like it has been in the same place. Hopefully we will get this all achieved before our shoot so we are reading to start shooting first thing on monday morning.

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Final Poster

After a lot of work on photoshop, here is our final design of our poster promotion for our band. We have decided to go all black and white as we thought it was more sophisticated and classy. We tried having the writing in red but decided that it really didnt work very well.

Final Photos for the digipack

After the photoshoot today, we decided on the final pictures we wanted to use for our digipak. We decided on the front of the digipak, the photo of the lead singer on the inside, and the single pictures we are going to edit together for the inlay. We then edited them, cropped them and put them into black and white. Here are the final photos for the digipak:






Shot for inside the digipak:

After the photoshoot today, we decided on the final pictures we wanted to use for our digipak. We decided on the front of the digipak, the photo of the lead singer on the inside, and the single pictures we are going to edit together for the inlay. We then edited them, cropped them and put them into black and white. Here are the final photos for the digipak:







Photoshoot day

Today we did our photoshoot, it went well and was an efficent progress. We had already planned what pictures we wanted, so was a simple matter of getting the band together, setting up the studio and get them into postion. After the shoot we edited our favourite pictures on photoshop, and decided that we wanted them in black and white as our piece is quite dark and it looked more sophiscated than in colour, where it looked like a schools band.

These are the pictures we took today:







