Before shooting or editing our video, we had to storyboard our chosen music video in order to see what would be happenng where. Storyboarding involves drawing pictures of what will be happening in each scene, writing what lighting, what shot type and how long the shot will be. For example: Close up of lead singer, dark lighting for approz 5seconds. The point of storyboarding is that on the day we have an accurate outline second by second of what shots we wanted and how we wanted it to look. It acted as a rough cut for our video. Because of how media technoliges have advanced we were able to film out story board up against a white wall. put it onto final cut pro with a wav. file of our song, and edit it together into a sotry board anamtic. This was helpful because it meant we had a rough idea of how our product could eventually look, and what might needed to be changed or adapted if a certain shot was too long or didnt work well next to another one. A story board looks like this:
The internet has been a vital tool to helping us in pre-production. This EBlogger site itself has allowed to to document our whole process of making a video in succint order with headings and dates, plus it also allows us to publish in powerpoints and pressies.
Youtube was of course imperitivie to us being able to plan our music video. Being able to surf the this site and watch almost every music video we wanted to meant that we had unlimited research devices. This new media technolgy meant that we had infite resources at our disposal and we could look up videos and take inspiration from them. Plus, we could see what audiences had commented on the videos to see if this direction is well recieved by a mass audience or if controversy is found unappealing by to many for it to have any effect.
The internet has been a vital tool to helping us in pre-production. This EBlogger site itself has allowed to to document our whole process of making a video in succint order with headings and dates, plus it also allows us to publish in powerpoints and pressies.
Youtube was of course imperitivie to us being able to plan our music video. Being able to surf the this site and watch almost every music video we wanted to meant that we had unlimited research devices. This new media technolgy meant that we had infite resources at our disposal and we could look up videos and take inspiration from them. Plus, we could see what audiences had commented on the videos to see if this direction is well recieved by a mass audience or if controversy is found unappealing by to many for it to have any effect.
This video 'Smack my Bitch up' is one of the biggest videos with controversy sorrounded around it, so by looking at the comments on it we could see that people enjoyed it.
Moblie phones are a new media technology which have been essential in the helping of our pre production. When we have been on the go and no had time to get out a proper camera and we needed to take aq picture of a set desgin or poster desgin we can simply take a picture on on phone and upload straight onto the internet and post it on our blog. This is a impeciably usful resource becasue we are constantly on our phones and so being able to pop up information in the space of seconds ontot eh internet has speeded along our progress profoundly.
Overall, these new media tehcnologies have vastly inproved our work in pre production as it had allowed us to create everything digitally without hassle and to quick effect.
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